Being a part of Smallworld Nordic since 2019, Breakoutimage continues the exciting journey that started in 1999 in Denmark. As a result of this development, we move out of Toldbodgade in Copenhagen and into the joint academical and business communities Innovatorium at Aarhus University in Herning (see featured photo above) and Univate at University of Copenhagen (see photo below).

Univate in Copenhagen

- With these new locations, we will have access to some of the most innovative IT development environments in Denmark, Tanja Rask Elbæk, Customer Development Manager at Smallworld Nordic, states. - This makes it easier to attract young talents, with advanced programming and software development background, and train them to become specialists in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) serving the rapidly changing telco and utility infrastructure industries in the Nordics.- Smallworld is currently looking for more specialists in technical consultancy and software development in Denmark, to support the ever increasing demands from our customers, Albert Bjørnsund, COO at Smallworld Nordic, announces. - Clearly, being close to the universities will help us attract the best people for the jobs.The Danish head office will be at Innovatorium in Herning, which also strengthens the physical proximity to our Jutland-based customers, in addition to the continued presence in Copenhagen. - These premises will be our new meeting points as they also are ideal for meetings, training and seminars, Tanja concludes as she and her team is finishing moving everything into our new offices. - We will invite all our customers and partners to receptions at our new and strategic locations, as soon as the current pandemic allows us to do so...!