This time, the annual Nordic User Conference took place at Holmenkollen in Oslo, close to the ski jump and X-country arena, in white and winterly conditions. Users, customers, partners and developers enjoyed sharing insight and experience during two days packed with presentations, demos and social activities.

Here are some impressions from the event:

Tanja is opening the conference
Tanja is opening the conference

Key-note speaker Torgeir Waterhouse had to present remotely, due to Covid, nonetheless it was an eye-opening session.

Demo booth visits and discussions during the breaks

Lone (Fibia), Carina (TME), Tanja, Marius, Toril (Statkraft), Jacob (TME) and Carl Urban (Follo) on top of the Ski Jump Tower

Impressive Ski Jump arena and Oslo area view

Spectacular architecture and winter landscape at the conference venue

Sigmund, John, Glenn (GE), Radim (CROSS) and Morten ready for a refreshing Early Morning Run

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