The Norwegian Smallworld users, representing 6 network operators, 4 contractors and one consultancy company, met at an evening session on May 30th in our Oslo office. It is always great to fill our premises with people using Smallworld, or maintaining the system, on a daily basis for valuable dialogue and input.

Cecilia demoed Light6, our new web-tool.

Øyvind Berntsen and Cecilia Fredriksson kicked off the event with intro and demo of Light6, our new web-client; Ronny Solvang presented our new API-product for integrations; and Trond Lørenskogen of Telia and Petter L Olsen explained how integration to Smallworld PNI will ease the documentation update when replacing network equipment.

Trond of Telia explained the value of integration.

After the program was finished, many participants chose to stay longer for an informal social gathering together with fellow Smallworld user from other companies and our staff. We truly enjoyed the event and all the important interactivity with the users that took place.