Elsa Sif Bjørnsdottir joins Smallworld Nordic on March 1st as our new CFO (Chief Financial Officer). She is currently in a similar role at Winorg, a Norwegian Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider.
- I am looking forward to starting my new position with great enthusiasm and anticipation, Elsa says. - The size of the company was a decisive factor, as I thrive in a smaller entrepreneurial environment rather than a large, hierarchical "corporate" culture.
Elsa is a 43 year old Icelandic who has also worked as CFO and Director in car dealership, before entering into the IT and software business at Winorg.
- We are very satisfied with recruiting Elsa, Albert Bjørnsund, CEO at Smallworld Nordic, states. - She will join our management team and contribute to improving and growing our business.
- I am looking forward to becoming part of a competitive company that strives to be a leader in its industry, Elsa adds. - I am motivated by challenges and look forward to contributing to the company's success through innovation and hard work.
Smallworld Nordic is looking forward to having Elsa on-board!
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